The #35 episode is finally here, a special episode with a special guest, Kelsey Hightower. 

In this episode we started talking about the present and the future of Kubernetes, then we moved to the use of the technology, the use cases and the importance of considering the right tech to the right problem.

We also discussed the "war" between VMs, Pods and Functions, and the lock-in that you can get into when you tightly couple your application to the infrastructure, even when it is Kubernetes.

In the end, we talked about the "Impostor Syndrome" that affects a lot of good professionals and sometimes makes them afraid to share what they know.

So, for the recommendations of the week we have:

Kelsey Hightower: Read a book that doesn't relate to your job.

Diogo Goebel: The TV Series The Man in the High Castle.

Mateus Caruccio: Buy a Kindle to your mate because every new book it's a new gift that you gave :D

João Brito: Chris Rock — Tamborine on Netflix

A special thanks to Yago Nobre for letting me know that Kelsey was open for recording podcasts.

If you want to know more about Kubeday in Brasil, keep in touch with Ricardo Katz and Anderson Duboc.

That's all folks, don't forget to share! #kubicast

Available on your favorite player: Spotify, Overcast, Itunes ou RadioPublic.

O Kubicast é uma produção da Getup, a única empresa brasileira 100% focada e especializada em Kubernetes. Todos os episódios do podcast estão no site da Getup e nas principais plataformas de áudio digital. Alguns deles estão registrados no YT.


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